Parrot Online Mall

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Jang Opens New NGF Secretariat; Says more governors have pledged support

The Governor of Plateau State and factional Chairman of the Nigerian Governors’ Forum (NGF), David Jonah Jang in a bid to consolidate his hold on the fractured forum, monday  secured an office accommodation in Maitama District, Abuja, to serve as the new secretariat of the forum.
He has also appointed one Osaro Onaiwo as the Sole Administrator of the forum, as against the provision of a Director General.  Onaiwo, it was gathered has been saddled with the responsibility of managing  the secretariat as a peer review group for the governors. 
Jang also claimed that more governors had been making solidarity calls to him, and pledging their supports and cooperation.
In a statement signed by his Director of Press and Public Affairs, Mr. James Mannok, Jang reinstated his resolve to work with his colleagues to strengthen the bond of service in the forum, maintaining that “the NGF is a family in which there is no issue that cannot be resolved or settled among them, as family members.” He said the modalities for this reconciliation were being implemented with the result of which more governors were making solidarity calls to him and pledging their cooperation.
While appreciating his colleagues for the confidence reposed in him, Jang urged that the forum be driven by the collective desire to build a strong and prosperous Nigeria.

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