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Friday, May 31, 2013

Why my successor must come from Enugu North, by Chime

IF the words of Enugu State Governor Sullivan Chime are anything to go by, his successor will come from the North Senatorial District (Nsukka).
Chime told stakeholders at a Town Hall meeting in Enugu yesterday that it will be the turn of the zone to occupy the highest office in the state after the expiration of his two-term tenure in 2015.

The governor, whose pronouncement drew thunderous applause from his audience, said the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) arrangement is to pick its next flag bearer from Enugu North.
The pronouncement may have put to rest speculations that Deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremadu, who is from Enugu West, has been eyeing the governorship slot.
Ekweremadu’s posters have flooded some major streets of Enugu and Nsukka.
The governor said although candidates from other zones might spring up to contest on other platforms, the issue of who becomes the governor solely lies in the hands of the voters.
He expressed optimism that whoever the PDP picks as its standard bearer from Nsukka, will win in the state, being predominantly PDP.
Chime also expressed his support for the creation of Adada State to make up the shortfall in the number of states in the Southeast geo-political zone.
His words: “It is not in our power to create a state, but of course we are fully in support of the creation of Adada State and we are doing all we can to make sure it is actualised.”
The governor told his audience that measures had been put in place to rid the streets of Enugu of the destitute.
He lamented the increase in street begging resulting from the influx of people into the state, noting that the law banning the practice was still in force.
He described as unfortunate that some of the beggars, who had been rehabilitated, resorted to alms begging as a business.
“Begging is an offence against God and the law,” the governor said.
On the communal crisis between Oruku and Umuode communities in Nkanu East Local Government Area, Chime said it was an embarrassment to the state.
He called on the communities to embrace dialogue to settle whatever misunderstanding they may have.

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