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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Rape of ex-corps member: Monarch knows fate June 4

The traditional ruler of Ilowa in Obokun Local Government Area of Osun state, Oba Adebukola Alli, who is on trial before a High Court in Osogbo for alleged rape of a former Youth Corps member, Miss Helen Okpara, will know his fate on June 4 as the court delivers judgment in the case.

During the nearly two years trial, the health of the monarch, who had been remanded in prison custody, deteriorated and on two occasions, he travelled abroad for medical treatment.
The embattled traditional ruler of an Ijesha-speaking community, in the eastern part of the state had on one occasion, slumped inside the court during proceedings.
Despite the weighty allegation leveled against the monarch, his subjects still admire him and have vowed to ensure that he continues to rule the town.
A 23-year-old former member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) who served in his domain, Helen Okpara, had alleged that the Oba had unlawful carnal knowledge of her. Although the monarch denied the allegation, Okpara in her evidence, gave a blow-by-blow account of how she was allegedly raped inside the private residence of the traditional ruler in Osogbo.
Her words: “The monarch came over me and I panicked and ran into a toilet where he struggled with my clothes and pulled it off. He collected my clothes and said he would soak them in water. He came inside the room, switched off the light, and struggled with me on the bed; and that was how he raped me. I kept shouting but the Oba told me that nobody would hear me. And after, I noticed that something was dropping from my private part.”
Narrating her ordeal in the hands of the royal father in one of the court sittings, Okpara said: “I was engaged by the monarch to distribute forms for a computer training he organized. After distributing the training form to the participants, I told the Oba that we were through for the day and he said I should wait, that he was going to drop me off on the way to my house. So, I waited for him and he drove me in his car but when we got to the front of my house, he said I would have to follow him to Osogbo for registration of the forms, because the state government was expecting the forms.”
She stated further: “I told the monarch that it was late and that I couldn’t make it to Osogbo but he promised to bring me back to the village no matter how late. When we got to his house in Osogbo, he didn’t mention anything about the registration of the forms, so I told him I wanted to leave but he said it was already late and that he couldn’t risk driving at night.
“I told the Oba to drop me in front of a police station, that I would find my way home, but he refused. Instead, he went inside a room and came out with a bundle of N200 notes and threw it at me, saying that I should collect it, because he was impressed with my performance at the computer-training centre. But I told him I didn’t need his money.”
According to Okpara, Oba Alli went in with the money and when he returned, he had undressed, adding: “When I told him I was leaving, he said I wasn’t going back that night and that he had tried many ways to get at me but I always turned down his advances. He threatened to harm me that night.”
However, the monarch in his defense, told the court that he had sexual intercourse with Okpara on several occasions before the one that landed him in trouble.
He said: “Helen is my girl friend and both of us have been enjoying ourselves without any problem. I don’t know why she decided to turn things against me.”
At the last hearing of the case, E.A Gbadegesin, counsel to the monarch, said that he had filed a written address on the matter which had been confirmed by the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) in the state Ministry of Justice. Gbadegesin urged the court to discharge the accused monarch and dismiss the claims of the prosecution.
But leading other counsels from the state Ministry of Justice, the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Mr. Dapo Adeniji, said he had proof that the monarch committed the offence and urged the court to expedite action on the judgment.
Consequently, the trial Judge, Mr Justice Oyejide Falola, fixed Tuesday, June 4, for judgment.

---The Sun

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