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Friday, October 24, 2014

After firstEbola Case in New York, 3 Others Quarantined

NEW YORK (AP) — A doctor who is New York City's first Ebola patient is being praised for getting treatment immediately upon showing symptoms, as officials stress that the nation's most populous city need not be alarmed by his diagnosis.

Craig Spencer, a member of Doctors Without Borders, is being treated in an isolation ward at Manhattan's Bellevue Hospital, a designated Ebola center. He reported Thursday morning coming down with a 103-degree fever and diarrhea. The 33-year-old recently returned to New York from Guinea.
City health officials say Spencer's fiancee and two friends have been quarantined but show no symptoms.
Ebola is spread through direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person. Officials say even though Spencer has been traveling in the city, New Yorkers have little chance of contracting the disease.

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