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Monday, October 27, 2014

University Of Austin, Texas To Offer Course On Beyonce & Rihanna

Rihanna & Beyoonce
Rihanna & Beyoonce
Rihanna & Beyoonce

Courses on celebrities have long been offered in universities, and now University of Austin, Texas is introducing a new one.
The course is titled “Beyoncé Feminism, Rihanna Womanism” and will begin in the school’s 2015-spring semester.
The course will focus on “how the lyrics, music videos, and actions of these women express various aspects of black feminism such as violence, economic opportunity, sexuality, standards of beauty, and creative self-expression.”
As associate professor Natasha Tinsely, who works in the Department of African and African Diaspora Studies at the University of Austin at Texas, sums it up: she hopes that the course will shed light on the role black feminism plays in popular culture as well as

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