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Monday, October 27, 2014

PM David Cameron Attacker 'I only brushed into PM before being attacked by half a dozen coppers in suits'

The jogger who bumped into David Cameron causing a major security alert has claimed he was "assaulted" by police.
Dean Farley, 28, almost ran into the Prime Minister on his way to a local gym.

Mr Cameron was leaving Leeds Civic Hall where he had been speaking about the HS3 project.
The near-collision resulted in Mr Cameron's security bundling Mr Farley to the ground and his arrest.
However, he was later "de-arrested" and West Yorkshire Police said he had simply been "in the wrong place at the wrong time".
Writing on Facebook, Mr Farley said: "So I'm all over the news as 'the protester that attacked David Cameron in Leeds'.
"Yeah if you call brushing into someone while running then getting assaulted by half a dozen coppers in suits attacking."

A review into how Mr Farley ran into the Prime Minister and his protection team is to be carried out by the Metropolitan Police Service.
The Met's specialist protection command is responsible for the Prime Minister's security and Scotland Yard said it would carry out a review of the incident in consultation with West Yorkshire Police.
A Met spokesman said: "The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is aware of an incident in Leeds today, Monday October 27, involving a 28-year-old man and the Prime Minister as he left the Civic Hall.
"The man was arrested by local officers and was later released
"The MPS specialist protection command is responsible for the personal protection of the Prime Minister and will now conduct a review of the incident in consultation with West Yorkshire Police."

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