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Friday, October 24, 2014

Former NBA President Freed By Kidnappers

The former President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Okey Wali who was abducted 13 days ago in Port Harcourt, Rivers State has been released.
Wali was freed by his abductors at about 11p.m. on Thursday, October 23 after being kidnapped on October 11.
His release was confirmed by the current NBA President, Augustine Alegeh, via a statement which reads:

“The Nigerian Bar Association is greatly delighted by the safe release of Okey Wali, SAN and wishes to express appreciation to all NBA members and well-meaning Nigerians who supported the Bar and the Okey Wali Family during this trying period.
"We must also commend NBA members for keeping calm throughout this period and not taking any steps that may have directly or indirectly jeopardised the efforts for his safe release which have now yielded positive results."
“The Nigerian Bar also wishes to place on record its appreciation of the efforts of the security agencies in securing the safe release of Okey Wali, SAN."
 "The Director General of the State Security Services (SSS), the Inspector General of Police and the SSS State Directors and Police Commissioners in Rivers, Bayelsa, Delta and Edo States who worked tirelessly to secure his safe release deserve special mention."
“While we celebrate the safe release of Okey Wali SAN, we must hasten to reiterate the fact that the spate of kidnappings and general state of insecurity in Our Country is cause for great concern."
"A safe and secure Country is one of the primary roles of Our Government and we call on the Government to promptly address the present state of insecurity in the Country. We cannot continue to live in fear of kidnappers, armed robbers and other criminals."

“We call on the Government to take much more seriously its constitutional duty of providing a safe and secure environment for all Nigerians.”
Alegeh also reportedly said that he had spoken to Wali and could confirm that he is “hale, hearty and in good spirit” but he could not provide details on how his release was secured and if a ransom was paid.

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