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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Nigeria in tatters, laments Danjuma

•Accuses northern leaders of talking ‘too much’

Former Minister of Defence, Lt. General Theophilous Danjuma, says Nigeria’s future lies in having a ‘clear sense of direction.’ And to chart this new direction are ‘patriotic elder statesmen’ whom, he said, the country is in dire need of.

General Danjuma spoke yesterday in Zaria, Kaduna State, after he was conferred with the chieftaincy title of Jarmai Zazzau by the Emir of Zazzau, Alhaji Shehu Idris.
Reviewing the socio-political situation in the country, the former Chief of Army Staff said the current perplexed nature of Nigerians is a clear indication of leadership failure over the years.
He deplored the state of the economy which he said is in tatters and the widening gap between the rich and the poor.
He said the north, in particular, lags behind the rest of the country, pointing out that in the present highly competitive world, northern children are missing out on qualitative and functional education.
He added: “I have taken many risks in my life for the sake of Nigeria and at the age of 75, I thought I have paid my dues. I just wanted to spend the rest of my life in quiet retirement, leaving the public arena for a new generation of leaders to improve on the modest achievements of my generation. It seems to me now that real retirement is only possible in the grave. Our lives and living are apparently inevitably tied eternally to responsibilities.”
According to him, the event was supposed to be festive with a durbar, “but given the sad reality of our present situation in northern Nigeria, I pleaded for a simple but dignified ceremony devoid of pomp and ceremony.
“We are in a season of sorrow and mourning caused by decades of neglect of a sizeable segment of our society. Now, our people are dying in thousands in needless battles and conflicts.”
He decried the state of the economy, saying, “In a highly competitive world, our children are missing out in getting qualitative and functional education. The masses of our people are chained down in dehumanising and grinding poverty, while we continue to maintain few islands of false prosperity in the turbulent ocean of penury and squalor. There cannot be peace and harmony where there is wide disparity between the few rich and a multitude of the poor.
“Nigeria and indeed, northern Nigeria has never been in short supply of politicians scheming and screaming for due and undue advantages. What has been in short supply are patriotic elder statesmen who would use their experience and wisdom to give our country a clear sense of purpose and direction.
“When elders become decadent, the youths are bound to become delinquent. Our people are confused and perplexed, they have become like flock scattered on many hills without a shepherd. This is a clear indication of leadership failure.”
He stressed that northern leaders have been talking too much and doing less for the development of the region, “we urgently need to put our house in order so we can overcome our various challenges. This is the time for elders to be circumspect and temperate in their utterances. It is not in our character as northerners to talk too much. We need to think more, pray more, plan more, work harder, relate better. Battles are fought and won through wisdom and strategy than through inflammable pronouncements and political tantrums.”
But he was optimistic that Nigeria “can be reawakened and rebuilt to achieve greatness” regardless of many years of mismanaged opportunities and resources.
“If we renew our mind and reconcile with one another, if we coordinate our determined efforts, we can make northern Nigeria self-reliant and self-sufficient, while enhancing the unity and prosperity of all Nigerians. But we must first have peace,” he said.
He said he was gratified for receiving the honour in Zaria where “I spent some of my formative years.”
He described the city as one of the few in the north that first opened their gates to pioneer missionaries in northern Nigeria, “which is why Wusasa has become the second home of many northern Christian leaders.”
Also speaking, former military president, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida said Gen. Danjuma has emerged as a good replacement for the late Sarduna of Sokoto, Sir Ahmadu Bello, to lead the north on the path of development.
President Goodluck Jonathan who was represented by the Minister of State for Works, Amb. Bashir Yuguda, described Danjuma as a true Nigerian who helps to stabilise the country and democracy.
Kaduna State governor, Mukthar Ramalan Yero, said the former minister has touched the lives of Nigerians through the Foundation he created, adding that rather than fold his hands in comfort, he took the discomforting path of rendering a helping hand to the poor and needy in the country.
Among those who attended the turbaning were former Head of State, Gen. Yakubu Gowon, Gen. Babangida; Governor Isa Yuguda of Bauchi State; Acting Governor of Taraba, Alhaji Garba Umar; Minister of State for Niger Delta, Darius Dickson Ishaku; Chairman of the PDP Board of Trustees, Chief Tony Anenih; former Minister of Information, Prof Jerry Gana; former Minister of Aviation, Alabo Tonye Graham- Douglas; Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aminu Waziri Tambuwal; and Senate President, David Mark represented by Senator Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi.

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