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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Why I am against Jonathan’s administration -Tam David West

Former Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Professor Tam David-West, has attributed lack of focus and strong will to the crises facing  President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration.

He said since the president’s  assumption to office,  he  had failed to show Nigerians  he  has the necessary  qualities and wherewithal  to lead the nation  in the face of security challenges and other problems confronting the country.
Featuring on a live interactive programme tagged “Guest of the Month” on the radio service of the Osun State Broadcasting Corporation (OSBC), Prof David-West observed that  the president lacks the acumen to lead a country like Nigeria.
According to him, “I don’t support people on the basis of  sentiments and I don’t allow sentiments to determine my actions. I only support people who have good qualities.  President Jonathan lacks the qualities of a good leader and that is why I always criticise him.”
Comparing  Jonathan and the  former head of state and presidential  candidate of the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC)  during  the 2011  election, General Muhammadu Buhari, David-West said  Buhari possesses better qualities than Jonathan.
He stated,  “If my father were to contest for an election with General Buhari, I would tell him not to waste his time and I would not support him. I would prefer Buhari to my father. So, I prefer Buhari to Jonathan, the same way I prefer Chief Obafemi Awolowo to Buhari and any other present political leader in the country.”

David West continued, “There is no way any individual can compare Jonathan with Buhari. They are two different individuals with different ideologies and beliefs.
Buhari is one leader that is discipline and highly responsible. He is a faithful person and a down to earth man to the core. He believes in fairness and equity. So, Buhari is far better than Jonathan”.

Source: Tribune

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