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Friday, June 28, 2013

Senate Probes Foreign Ministry Over Missing $27m US Property Proceeds

The Senate, yesterday, launched an investigation into the alleged mismanagement of over $27million accruing from the sale of federal government properties by the officials of the Nigerian Embassy in the United States of America.

The probe followed a petition to the Senate President, David Mark, by a Non-governmental Organisation, Transform Nigeria Movement, which urged the Senate to probe the property sales.
LEADERSHIP reported that upon receipt of the petition, the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs led by Senator Matthew Nwagwu detailed to probe the deal summoned former Nigerian Ambassador to the US, George Obiozor; Nigeria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Joy Ogwu and current Ambassador, Adebowale Adefuye, yesterday.
The diplomats were questioned in secret as newsmen were sent out of the Senate meeting room before questioning started. The committee took the Ambassadors separately, promising to brief the press on its findings after the hearing - no briefing was held. Before newsmen were sent out of the meeting room, Chairman of the committee, Senator Nwagwu said that the probe was to unravel the mystery behind the management of the funds.
He said, “We have invited you because of an allegation of embezzlement in our mission in Washington, particularly the sale of property in the US. It was alleged that the proceeds of the sales have been squandered by certain officials.
“Our job here is to give you a chance to address the committee and tell us what you know about the property sale, management, administration of the accounts while you were in office. The committee received a petition and we are not taking it on its face value; we want to give the envoys opportunity to explain their individual roles.
“We are not a court of law, we are not putting you on trial, and we are doing this for posterity and to keep the records straight. I am sure most of you will be happy that we have invited you to enable you to clarify matters.”

Source: Leadership

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