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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Obama heads to South Africa as ailing Nelson Mandela clings to life

(CNN) -- U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in South Africa on Friday for the second leg of a trip overshadowed by the deteriorating health of anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela.

Obama did not appear to rule out a visit to see the ailing former president, but said he will leave it up to the family.
"We'll see what the situation is when we land," he said en route to Johannesburg. "I don't need a photo op, and the last thing I want to do is to be in any way obtrusive at a time when the family is concerned with Nelson Mandela's condition."
The president left the United States on Wednesday for Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania -- his second visit to sub-Saharan Africa since taking office.
The trip aims to bolster African investment opportunities for U.S. businesses, address development issues such as food security and health, and promote democracy. It comes as China aggressively engages the continent, pouring billions of dollars into it and replacing the United States as Africa's largest trading partner.

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